materials. After three years, he received the certificate of sculptor's assistant.
1945 - World War II was over. January brought along freezing cold and drafts for the two eldest Szlávics boys, Ernő and László. Ernő was 19, László 17. They were enlisted as young militiamen, but they did not show up so they were taken by force and carried to Germany as prisoners of war. They plotted a riot, and in retaliation, they were sent to a concentration camp. The torments of hell ensued. László tolerated the tribulations less, he was mortally ill when the Americans liberated the camp. Ernő was by his side all through doing his utmost to keep him alive. In the liberated camp, László gathered strength and made sculptures. An American officer invited him to the United States, but László felt he had little time left and his only wish was to see his parents and family once more. In